Game Over

Directed by Adrian Cacciola


Black comedy

9 min









Sunday afternoon is Scrabble day for an elderly couple. The husband is forced to take part for the umpteenth time in a ritual he loathes. His wife ignores his exasperation. But the game suddenly intensifies when the old man realises that the words being played are becoming reality.



  • Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival | Paired competition
  • Grossmann Fantastic Film | Slak's Vicious Cat & Melies d'Argent
  • Digne-les-bains film festival | CompetitionHonorable mention from the cinephiles' jury, honorable mention from the young viewers' jury
  • Bordeaux Short Film Festival | European competitionAudience award
  • Détours en Cinécourt
  • Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival
  • Trouville Off-Courts
  • Filmets Badalona Film Festival

Cast & Crew

Jean Yves Lissonet, Lynne Verrall, With The Voice Of Adrian Rawlins
Screenplay By Adrian Cacciola, Adapted From The Short Novel "death By Scrabble" By Charlie Fish
Adrian Cacciola
Sound design & mix:
Gauthier Hammer
Adrien Lioure
Production Company:
La Petite Ellipse
Co-production Company:
Collines Films

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